51 Musical Movies Like Burlesque To Check Out in 2023

It is naturally understood that romantic comedies are a no-brainer when it comes to enjoying your leisure time in an easy manner on a lazy Sunday afternoon, but musical comedies have an extra essence that can add fuzz and zeal filled with high-energy dance numbers and singalongs. I mean, who doesn’t like the feeling of dancing and singing at a stated moment?

It was Judy Garland who got the fans hooked on the movie The Wizard of Oz, where she sang about returning home. It is a must-watch if you have not already. Since then, fans have wanted more of these movies and like the genre in general. 

Like always, the movies in this genre can be a hit or miss. A hit is something like Mamma Mia which was cherished by the fans. The songs and dances were mesmerizing, but on the other hand, Cats, umm, not so much. But when the director does a good job, it is spectacular.

Modern producers and filmmakers have played with the storytelling and the form to make it look more pronounced and true to life, and not something from a storybook or play. All this is very true if we look at the recent few years, which have seen idols like Lin-Manuel. Burlesque, which came out in 2010, was directed by Steven Antin and stars Cher, Christina Aguilera, Eric Dane, Cam Gigandet, Julianne Hough, Alan Cumming, Peter Gallagher, Kristen Bell, and Stanley Tucci.

The plot focuses on Aguilera’s character Ali, who is an immature server and wants to become a professional dancer. Her strong voice is what carries the movie, and the presence of other characters makes it a fun and good musical movie. If you have not checked it out yet, it is available on Apple TV. This list contains more than fifty movies just like Burlesque, which can fill the void that it left.

This list focuses on feeling good about harmonious hymns, and it has everything a musical fan need to see. These movies are also liable for their influence on pop culture in a manner. Some of the movies on the list are timeless, so one can adjust to them again and again.

This list is in no particular order. Just grab your mic, yes! You will need a mic if you are willing to sing along with the characters. Find a movie that best suits your interests and enjoy them. I am certain that you will find some movies on this list that will keep you on a high note. Some of the movies on this list are animated movies, and to truly enjoy the animation and color blending, try to watch those movies in as high quality as possible.

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