Increase Computer Speed Free with Notepad

Increase your computer (PC) speed using notepad in two minutes. But before doing this, first i want to inform you why should you doing this. Many of us using Microsoft operating system which set the operating program for the users by default. This default program has some limitations. We just describe some trick to bypass the code and make your PC faster then previous. Don’t worry. This tweak will not make any operating troubleshoot.

How to make PC faster:

Today we provide a simple tricks to make your computer faster using notepad. Our main intention is to increase the performance of your RAM and increase RAM speed up to 80% with a simple command.


Increase Computer Speed

-Go to ‘My Computer’ and select tools from the upper tab. [For windows XP, find tools and for Windows 7 search organize and for Windows 8 search view>option]
-Go to “folder and search” option and find out “view” tab.
-Search for “Hide extension for known file type” and remove tick from that.
-Click apply and OK to exit.
-Open the notepad from “C:Windows” or anywhere from your PC
-Type the following code as it describe:


-Go to file option at the top menu of notepad and select ‘Save As..’ from the menu.
-Name/Rename the file as “ram.vbe” [without quotes] and save the file.

Thus it will help to increase the ram speed up to 80%. There are many other methods to boost up computer speed. Microsoft also suggest some methods on how to make your computer run fast. You may visit there experts suggestion for further instruction. In future, we will add more trick to increase computer speed and other PC tweaks.

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