Britney Spears on Lucky Magazine Cover

Britney Spears again comes to in the front line. She is now on the Lucky Magazine cover photo. This month Lucky magazine features Britney Spears with new party style dress and her new beauty style.

They titled the cover photo of Britney as “Britney! On her fun, flirty new style”. In the photo, she wore a black dress with red short skirt. She looks awesome with that look as usual other parties look.

Britney Spears Lucky Magazine Cover

You may also notice that, Lucky magazine doesn’t use Britney Spears’s real hair style and looks as she looks on other public appearance like ‘The X-factor”. I think they try to show the new Britney to her fans so that the magazine readers can get some new taste of the style of her. What do you think?

US Magazine also denote that, Britney Spears also shares about some secret of her life with fiancé Jason Trawick and her kids in the Lucky Magazine. Though we don’t have a copy of that magazine, thus we don’t know what the secrets are actually. You can read about the Britney Spears on Lucky Magazine from their official site.