WWE 12 Trailer Watch Online & Pre-Order Bonus

WWE 12 is a professional wrestling and fighting video game. It is a series of WWE and sequel of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011.You can watch its trailer in online.

WWE12 is developed by Yukes and published by THQ. This game is for Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii systems. You can play it as single or a couple.


Buy WWE 12 Trailer Watch Online


It is the first game of WWE series and the fourteenth in the combined series. It is schedule that this game is released on November 22, 2011 in North America and November 25, 2011 in UK.

You can watch WWE12 trailer in online below:


If you like the trailer, than you can buy it online now. To buy from online preorder, go to the Amazon now and get special preorder discount also.

From Amazon: WWE 12 Game