Cheap $10 Broadband Connection for Poor US Households

U.S. cable companies will be going to lunch their new service offering a cheap $10 per month home internet broadband connection to those homes where children are eligible for free school lunches.

Last Wednesday U.S. cable companies officially declared their new offers to increase more broadband connection in USA homes and so that poor households get opportunity to connected their home to the U.S. network.

Cheap $10 Broadband Connection

Cheap $10 Broadband Connection

This $10 per month internet broadband connection in U.S. will start from next summer and it is a part of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) cobbled together as an initiative, named Connect-to-Complete.

Still in this twenty first century, about 35 million homes don’t have any internet connection or unable to bear extra cost because of highly monthly rent or lacks of cheap broadband connections. As a result they don’t get chance or have less chance to educate themselves; searching and getting jobs field etc, said by FCC chairman Julius Genachowski.

Julius also added that, the costs of digital exclusion are high and getting higher. Its results to increase the gap of broadband adoption gap in U.S.

Connect-to-Complete also include Microsoft Corporation to add more opportunity to get PCs with connection together. Microsoft Corp. sells PCs with its Office software suite to low income families only for $250. Redemtech, another company also offers computers only for $150, including shipping.

Cable companies offer this line rent for two years without any installation charges or modem rental. The minimum download speed of this $10 broadband connection will be 1MbPS (megabit per second). The National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) estimates a figure that around 5.5 million homes will be eligible for the $10 broadband connection.