Empire State Building Shooting at New York City

Another shooting attack has happened in United State. This time the victim is world’s Tallest building New York’s Empire State, one of the most attractive sight at New York City for tourists and others. According to Reuters report, at least two people were killed and eight were injured due to sudden shooting attack.

The shooting was started around 9 a.m. on Friday morning and it was target on the sidewalk on 5th Avenue Street outside of Midtown Manhattan building. New York police said that there were two men died, one of them was the shooter and other’s was victim and another 8 people wounded in the Empire State building landmark.

Empire State Building Shooting
Empire State Building Shooting

One of the witnesses said,

I heard the gunshots, It was like pop, pop, pop. It was definitely in a bunch.

One of the worker’s of Empire State building, Adrianne Lapar, 27, said,

People started running, saying somebody has a gun, so I just ran the other way. I was scared

Empire State Building Shooting Live Video

Police cordoned the shooting area to safe further injured after the gunshot was starting. The biggest Empire State building is now safe from the shooter.

In this summer US has faced two unwanted shooting attack. One back in July 20, at the premier of “Batman: The Dark Night” film in Aurora were 12 were killed and 58 were injured. Another was on August 5 in Mikwaukee at a Sikh temple.