Fast and Furious 6: Film Shooting is Beginning

Are you ready for another fast car racing? Are you ready for another furious mission? If yes, then prepare yourself to watch Fast and Furious 6, the next version of Fast and Furious movie series. The movie shooting is begun from this month and we expect that it will hit on theater on next year. The most probably Fast and Furious 6 release date may fix on May, 2013.

This time Fast and Furious 6 starts filming in London from this week and some photos of the upcoming movie set appeared at the online media

Fast and Furious 6 movie
Fast and Furious 6 movie

As like the previous Fast and Furious 5’s Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) has been still in this film as the most highlighted character. He already shares lot of tweets about this movie and share some photos also.

Along with The Rock, Paul Walker, Tyrese Gibson, Gal Gadot and Ludacris also share some updates about Fast and Furious 6 movie. So check out some cool and awesome photos of Fast and Furious 6 which will open for in theater on May 24, 2013.

Fast and Furious 6 Photos Gallery:

Fast and Furious 6 movie Fast and Furious 6 movie Fast and Furious 6 movie Fast and Furious 6 movie
Fast and Furious 6 movie Fast and Furious 6 movie Fast and Furious 6 movie