FileSonic Terminates its Sharing Feature

After MegaUpload has been terminated by the US Government and FBI last week, another one of the most popular online storage service provider FileSonic has terminated its entire file sharing function last day. You can’t ever share your own uploaded file with your friends.

The U.K. and Hong Kong corporate office based website FileSonic has put a banner on its front page that appear as Red Marked notice of the following statements that they are not allowed any file sharing service to their users anymore.

FileSonic Terminated its Sharing Feature

FileSonic Terminated its Sharing Feature

Last Friday, Kim Dotcom with his some officials arrested in New Zealand as they wanted by U.S. prosecutors. New Zealand’s law enforcement arrested them for allegedly profiting from the distribution of copyright content on their website which violates the U.S. DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) law.

Now FileSonic also use the latest technology of Vobile’s vCloud9 to examine the infringing content on the hosted files of all users even it has archived as Compressed files.

Such attempts of U.S. government and other website’s careful movement indicates that if the SOPA and PIPA executes, it will terminated hundreds of thousand website very soon. So if anyone running or showing such infringing contents on their website; reviewed them quickly as they identified by others if you don’t let banned your websites.