Social media network Google Plus turns into new look again. It has already changed the view of the Google Plus homepage. Like other social networks (Facebook, Twitter), Google also tries to make it more easy to use features on their Plus page.
The new look of Google Plus look frazzle lit bit. But overall the change might be appreciated by its users. Google tries to gain the popularity of their social media network. Although, Facebook and Twitter keep in race with Google Plus.
New Google Plus(Photo credit: SlashGear)
The new Google Plus has 4 columns as you see before. On the left side, Google sets the icon of menubar for easy to use. After that, the main body splits into two parts. Left one contains the friends update and right one contains the activities of friends and new friends offer suggestions. At the right sidebar, Google sets the chat boxes as like Facebook style.
You can take a review of the new Google Plus page on the following video. Google hopes that the new interface of their social page will increase the popularity more than it was. Let’s review the Google Plus New Look video: