In an interview with Just Jared, Sara Garcia proved that she always knew she was going to be famous someday by sharing a little white lie that she used to tell. “I have two middle names, one of them being Ferris (yes like Bueller!) and I used to tell kids at school that my grandfather invented the Ferris wheel,” Garcia revealed. “I was pretty convincing, might have even been some of my best acting.”
In addition to acting, Garcia is also a singer and musician. She got her start in performing arts with musical theatre and can even play the ukulele, while the Hallmark star is currently in the process of learning the guitar too. Another artistic talent of hers is painting, which Garcia uses to help deal with her anxiety.
As the multitalented, and proudly LGBTQ+, star explained, “My paintings are a flow expression, where I move with my breath to help me work through moments of anxiety and bring me back to the present moment.” She continued, “I think art is an excellent tool to process emotions and unresolved traumas.”