Hunger Games on Top Chart Earning $61.1M

People like survival war more than sci-fi fantasy. Hunger Games movie shows that staying in the #1 position Hollywood movie top chart for its second weekend. This movie already earned over $61.1M from the box office from 2nd weekend of its release dates on March 23, 2012. The figure shows that movie fan like to Watch Hunger Games still now.

In the next movie slot in the Movie Top Chart, Wrath of the Titans stay after Hunger Games. This movie earned on its first week debut over $34.2M. But this movie’s previous sequel ‘Clash of the Titans’ earned $61.2 on the opening week last 2 years ago.

Hunger Games on Top Chart

Hunger Games Movie

Now if peoples find interesting to watching Wrath of Titans, then it might be gain $60M+ profit from the box office. Based on ‘Snow White’ comic, Mirror Mirror placed for 3rd with $19M. Julia Roberts played as wicked queen in this movie.

Hunger Games earned in total of $251M since from its debut on the box office.