iPhone 5 Features List: iPhone 5 Review

What are the features of iPhone 5? Should I wait for iPhone 5? When does iPhone 5 come out? What is the iPhone 5 release date? This is now the common questions about the Apple iPhone fans who always love to use it. Now all the questions are still in unconfirmed area but there are lots of rumors around this high demanded Smartphone in the year of 2012.

From today we will try to cover about all the updates of Apple iPhone 5 features and specifications, reviews, accessories and etc until it will release. Although the rumors always come first, but we try to provide you as much as accurate and confirmed news from the web.

iPhoen 5 Photos:

iPhone 5 Features
Apple iPhone 5 Features

Still though Apple do not announce about the release date of iPhone 5 yet, but there is a strong probability of apple iPhone 5 release date may set on next October. Although on last March, Foxconn confirmed that they have the ordered to go for
iPhone 5 production with new features from Apple Inc.

Today we discuss about the new iPhone 5 features and iPhone 5 rumored features. We also short an iPhone 5 features list with comparison that what will actually go to happen.

It is already confirmed that iPhone 5 will come out with a whole new design and layout and probably with a large display also. If someone asks me that what will the iPhone 5 look like, then I replied him that it will be the greatest invention for Apple ever and they ensure and provide you the ultra-advanced technology into your grave.So get ready to get that from now. They also add some new parts into the new iPhone. You may watch the new leaked iPhone 5 parts picture

Apple will integrate advanced LCD with 4 Inch large size and high-quality of sensor. They also probably integrate their latest operating system iOS 6 with quad core processor and high speed of ram. Already the Chinese company revealed the iPhone 5 case design last week and also we learned that the iPhone 5 battery size has also been quite large but slighter than iPhone 4S. According to ibtimes, LG Display Co. Ltd and Japan Display Inc. are the two main suppliers of the iPhone 5 screens.

iPhone five features also include many other points which we will listed later. The price of iPhone 5 is still not set by Apple Inc. But there is a strong chance that the iPhone 5 preorders will begin from September 15th and release in the US market on September 21st. Apple will internationally launch iPhone 5 on October 5th 2012. You can also check out the iPhone 5 video for more clear look.

iPhone 5 Features and Specs

-4-inch LCD display
-32 nm Quad core processor with iOS 6
-Specialized iPhone 5 keyboards
-High quality camera and graphics
-4G/LET network facilities
-Advanced iCloud integration
-In-cell touch panel

iPhone 5 Extra Features

-Thin body
-Apple iWallet and Avatar
-New Camera Opening
-3D Photography with timers and rotation
-Facetime camera
-New Speaker Grills and Earphone Jack

Here are some rumored iPhone 5 features list which are highly discussed throughout the online media.

iPhone 5 Rumor Features

– A new metal body
– A larger screen (4.6 inch)
– Less glass
– New connections
– A better iPhone battery life

CNET, one of the largest techno-media always tries to focus about on Apple’s upcoming spmartphone. iPhone 5 features from Cnet can be found from the following video:

iPhone 5 Features Video

Update 1: A new image hit on the web where about Apple’s iPhone 5 4-inch large screen and front panel views.