Justin Bieber New Calabasas Home Deal is Confirmed

Justin Bieber’s new Calabasas home deals confirmed and finally the little pop superstar have his own new 9,000 sq. foot mansion at Calabasas. The new mansion selling prices not confirmed yet, but rumors that it sold around $6+ M. Owner of that mansion initially demands $7.5 M for selling price.

The Mayor of Calabasas welcomed Justin for choosing his cities. He also ensures Justin about the privacy and other securities as well. Mary Sue Maurer, Mayor of Calabasas confirmed that the authority will and the society will be respected to him and his privacy as like everyone else’s.

Justin Bieber New Calabasas Home

Justin Bieber New Calabasas Home(Photo credit: TMZ)

There are many more facilities existing in the Bieber’s new mansion. It has two security gates where the rest of other only ones. Similarly disadvantage also exists as well. Like Bieber’s new home is located 22 miles away from Hollywood. The keys of Justin Bieber’s new home will be handed by the end of the June.

*Source: TMZ