Lindsay Lohan on SNL: Top Three Moments

Lindsay Lohan, one of the most attractive celebrities in the current world returns on Saturday Night Live (SNL) where she hosting the full episode on last yesterday. Watch the top three moments of Lindsay Lohan’s SNL moments.

This moment’s are selected by People magazine. A source of Lohan, tells to TMZ that she feels proud of the SNL show although Lohan considered that it wasn’t perfect as she expected before, TMZ reported that.

Lindsay Lohan on SNL

Lindsay Lohan on SNL

Lindsay Lohan knows that she couldn’t perform on this episode and people may bash about her performance. But source of TMZ reported that, Lohan was excited to be back on SNL and working there as a host of this great program.

Lindsay Lohan feels that she did the best she could do for the SNL show.

Top moments of Lindsay Lohan’s SNL show:

The Opening Monologue

Disney Housewives

Scared Straight

**All video are sponsored by NBC news.