New RoboCop Movie will Coming Soon

New RoboCop will coming back to theater again. Today the very first new photos of new RoboCop are appeared int the web. It looks the new one change the costume and not like as robotic as the old and real one before.

The photos are taken from The new one’s costume looks like alien type not robotic, because it suppose to like that to us. But if you compare it the real one which was released on 25 years ago, at 1987, than you find many changes. It may be happen due to upgrade technology. What do you think?

New RoboCop Movie
New RoboCop Movie

RoboCop was directed by Kinnaman at 1078 first, and this one is directed by Jose Padilha. The new RoboCop is coming back in this day with black body armor and fight against crimes.

New RoboCop Movie
New RoboCop Movie

Still we can’t learn the release date of New RoboCop movie. When we know, you will also heard from us. So keep in touch with us. Share your opinion compare the new RoboCop vs old RoboCop, the old one is down here.

old RoboCop Movie
Old RoboCop