Oscar 2012 Nominations List Update: 02/06/12

Next Sunday, February 26, 2012, the most prestigious film fare awards The Academy Awards ceremony (The Oscars) will shows its glamorous opening in Hollywood. The Oscar 2012 Nomination list is already available to us. Let’s review the last stands of the nominated update on February 6, 2012.

**All the listed categories are collected and evaluated from ABC.com and the lists are just based on online votes. This is not provides from the official Oscar Team.

Oscar 2012 Nominations List

Oscar 2012 Nominations List Update: 02/06/12

Best Picture:

1.The Artist
2.The Descendants
3.Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
4.The Help
6.Midnight in Paris
8.The Tree of Life
9.War Horse

Best Actor:

1.George Clooney (The Descendants)
2.Jean Dujardin (The Artist)
3.Gary Oldman (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy)
4.Brad Pitt (Moneyball)
5.Demián Bichir (A Better Life)

Best Actress:

1.Glenn Close (Albert Nobbs)
2.Viola Davis (The Help)
3.Rooney Mara (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo)
4.Meryl Streep (The Iron Lady)
5.Michelle Williams (My Week With Marilyn)

Best Supporting Actor:

1.Kenneth Branagh (My Week With Marilyn)
2.Jonah Hill (Moneyball)
3.Nick Nolte (Warrior)
4.Christopher Plummer (Beginners)
5.Max Von Sydow (Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close)

Best Supporting Actress:

1.Berenice Bejo (The Artist)
2.Jessica Chastain (The Help)
3.Melissa McCarthy (Bridesmaids)
4.Janet McTeer (Albert Nobbs)
5.Octavia Spencer (The Help)

Best Director:

1.Woody Allen (Midnight in Paris)
2.Michel Hazanavicius (The Artist)
3.Terrence Malick (The Tree of Life)
4.Alexander Payne (The Descendants)
5.Martin Scorsese (Hugo)

Best Animated Film:

1.Kung Fu Panda
2.Puss in Boots
4.Chico & Rita
5.A Cat in Paris

Next Update will available on next Sunday, February 12, 2012.