Robert Pattinson is the most leading actor in Hollywood. He was born in 13th May 1986 (London,UK). His full name is Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson. His mother Clare was worked for a modeling agencyand his father Richard was imported vintage cars from U.S. Pattinson has two elder sisters, Lizzy Pattinson and Victoria Pattinson. Lizzy is known to everyone as a singer.
Robert Pattinson was grown up in the city of Barnes suburb of London. Until the age of 12, he attended Tower House School. After that he admitted The Harrodian School. Robert involved himself in amateur theatre to start his filmy carrier at the Barnes Theatre Company. Robert determined the attention of an acting agent in a production of Tree of the d’Urbervilles and began looking for professional roles.
Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson began modeling while he was at the 12 years old. But the number of jobs began to shrink only four years later. In 2008, December he was responsible to the lack of work as a model on his masculine appearance. Robert said that, while he first started his career, he was quite tall than others and looked like a girl. As that differetns looks, he got lots of jobs offer, because it was that time where the androgynous look was so cool for modeling. Robert also added that, “After that, I guess, I became too much of a guy, so I never got any more jobs.” He continued, “I had the most unsuccessful modeling career”. Robert Pattinson appeared in the advertising career movement for Hackett’s autumn 2007 new collection.