Top 5 Celebrities in Hollywood 2011

Engagement, Marriage, Pregnant, Cute Baby, Split, Divorce, Separation are the most related words for the Celebrities of Hollywood. Not for all, but for some celebrities, the year 2011 brings great moments to their life. Here are we short top 5 Celebrities in Hollywood who passed a great time and enjoy the year of 2011.

Celebrities are always mostly followed through out their fans. Their dailies life, movement, celebration, performance etc are mostly wished from their fans and well wishers. Although each of them hadn’t a chance to pass the whole year with enjoyment but some luckiest celebrities have got this opportunity.

Top 5 Celebrities in Hollywood 2011

Top 5 Celebrities in Hollywood 2011

Here are luckiest Top 5 Celebrities in Hollywood 2011

1.Britney Spears
2.Jennifer Aniston
3.Michael Douglas
5.Reese Witherspoon

1.Britney Spears:
The pop star Britney Spears starts this year with a platinum album “Femme Fatale”. After then she passed her 30th birthday with a great world tour. And at the ending of this year, the most memorable events for Britney was a gift of 3+ carat diamond ring from her 2 years boyfriend Jason Trawick as an engagement ring. Britney Spears Engagement Ring makes her so happy, she wrote in Twitter.

2.Jennifer Aniston:
In the year of 2011, Jennifer Aniston got some memorable time. She also performs as a good girl in her carrier life. And in personal, she also got a good support from her husband and also she becomes pregnant in this year.

3. Michael Douglas:
Michael Douglas starts his year 2011 with the declaration of his ‘tumor gone’ news. He was affected with throat cancer early on 2010, and he fought and overcome his diseases with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Rest of the year he passed his life with his wife Zeta-Jones.

4. Beyonce:
The 30 year old pop Star Beyonce passed a great year of 2011 at the MTV Video Music Awards performing the song ‘Love on Top’ from her album “4”. She also got a baby which brings her so much happiness in her life.

5.Reese Witherspoon:
The year 2011 removes her loneliness and brings happy from which she moved aways from 2007 when she was divorce from Ryan Phillippe. Now she got married with Jim Toth in May, 2011 and found her lasting love.

The year 2011 has just wait to sink in the book of history and the New Year 2012 wait to come to our life. Wish the coming year brings lot of enjoyment and happiness to every Hollywood celebrities life, as well as the whole.
Happy New Year 2012!