Want to feel horror and sci-fi spicy together? Then watch Chronicle free online movie from here. Chronicle is the movie from the studio of 20th Century Fox.
From the director Josh Trank and writer Max Landis, Chronicle movie is release in 3rd February worldwide. The runtime of this movie is 1 hour 26 minutes. You can watch Chronicle after it hit the theater.
Watch Chronicle Free Online
-Michael B. Jordan
-Michael Kelly
-Dane DeHaan
-Alex Russell
-Ashley Hinshaw
The Chronicle movie story is based on three high school students who make a greatest discovery together. The discovery of these boys is leading them to unpredictable powers which they realize meantime. As they confirmed about their power and learned how to control it, they begin to use them in their lives which take them in darker lives.
You can watch Chronicle trailer from YouTube before full movie streaming.
Watch Chronicle HD trailer (Full screen)
If you enjoy the trailer, then go to the following links to watch Chronicle Free Online movie from the following links