In Darkness is the movie from Sony Pictures Classic studios based on ‘Drama’ genre. Watch In Darkness free online now from here. The runtime of this movie is 2 hours 25 minutes.
In Darkness is filmed from a true story of a petty thief in Poland. Director Agnieszka with writer David F. Shamoon made this film to tell his sacrificing story to this world. Robert Wieckiewicz played in the title character of this movie.
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In the movie walkthrough, you can find the real true story of Leopold Socha who worked as a sewer worker and sometimes petty thief in Lvov, a German occupied town in Poland. Leopold risk his own life to save dozens of people who are going to lose their life.
Robert Wieckiewicz
Agnieszka Grochowska
Benno Fürmann
Maria Schrader
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In Darkness trailer (Full Screen)
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