Wells Fargo Online Security Guarantee info

 Wells Fargo Online Security GuaranteeWells Fargo, the 4th largest Bank of America, has provides several services on online banking, mortgage, insurance, credit cards, brokerage & securities and other financial activities. Wells Fargo guarantee that customers will be covered for 100% of their funds removed from the Wells Fargo accounts.

Wells Fargo Online® or Wells Fargo Business Online® service means you use their services to initiate consumer, brokerage or business monetary transactions. The Online Security Guarantee of Wells Fargo does not apply to the Business Online Payroll Service.

To qualify for Wells Fargo guarantee, customer must follow Well Fargo’s following responsibilities.


Customer are responsible for protecting their own password and account information by:
• Not disclosing any personal account information to others (like: Customer’s ATM PIN, online username, and password)
• Promptly reporting incidents of unauthorized account access or use by calling 1-800-956-4442 (for individual or business customers only) or 1-866-817-7940 (for brokerage customers only) within the time frames noted below for making a claim. (Wells Fargo representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to assist customers.)

To make a claim using the Online Security Guarantee of Wells Fargo:
• If you are an small business customer or individual customer of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. using Wells Fargo Online Service or Wells Fargo Business Online Service, you must notify us of unauthorized activity within sixty(60) calendar days after the date Wells Fargo send you the account statement showing that unauthorized activity.
Note: Federal law provides certain protection to individual customers when there is unauthorized account activity. This security guarantee of Wells Fargo provides additional protection from loss resulting from unauthorized activity.
• If you are a brokerage customer of Wells Fargo Investments, LLC using Wells Fargo Online Service, you must notify Wells Fargo of unauthorized activity within the timeframe indicated on your brokerage account statement.

Wells Fargo will respond to you within 10 business days after we receive your claim. Wells Fargo Online Security Guarantee can ensure customers demands.