NASA Curiosity Rover Starts Sending Images

After successful landing on Mars, NASA’s Curiosity Rover starts to send its data like Mars images, videos, particles analyze etc to the NASA station. The astronomical agency uploaded those data to its official website on Tuesday. The first color images from Curiosity showing dusty weather at Mars.

According to the receiving footage of Mars from NASA Curiosity, the present weather of Mars is not in favor as expected. When it was landed on the ground, the dust was too much floating so that its camera can’t take a clear shot.

NASA Curiosity Rover

NASA Curiosity Rover

NASA says that they starts to receiving the photos from Curiosity as they expected and they are enjoying its exciting ride on the surface of Mars. Currently NASA Curiosity sends both color and black-white photos from its cameras. One of the footages shows its robotic arm and its shadow after the successful landing.

You may watch NASA Curiosity Rover Landing Videos

NASA Curiosity Rover has 17 different angle cameras, ultra-advanced antenna to receive photos and videos, a laser for Mars rocks composite survey, six robotic wheels and a robotic arm. This time NASA needs $2.6 billion for this Curiosity project on Mars.

Currently the Curiosity is controlled from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The main mission of NASA Curiosity Rover is to find out the existence of life and water. “Its work’s aim is to assess whether Mars ever had an environment able to support small life forms”, NASA said to their statement.

NASA’s Curiosity Rover’s Photos Gallery

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NASA Curiosity Rover Photos NASA Curiosity Rover Photos NASA Curiosity Rover Photos NASA Curiosity Rover Photos

NASA Curiosity Rover Photos NASA Curiosity Rover Photos