Tom Cruise Visits Suri in New York City

For the first time, Tom Cruise went New York City to visit her daughter Suri after the divorce from Katie Holmes. This was the first time visit for Tom Cruise. Finally he got the opportunity the pass his daddy time with his lovely daughter Suri Cruise. Hope Suri also enjoyed the moment with his daddy after having some bad time while Tom and Katie was arguing with whom Suri will live.

Last 17 July, the Mission Impossible star Tom Cruise arrived at New York City and made a first face to face visit with Suri since the divorce filed by Katie Holmes from June 28. He was swooped her when he entering the Greenwich Hotel in Tribeca.

Tom Cruise visit Suri

Tom Cruise visit to Suri

There are several photos with Tom and Suri together at New York which explains that how much happy time they have spent together. According to People magazine, Tom plans to spend several days with his daughter in this city. Tom took her to the Chelsea Piers class at 7 p.m. Tom praised her daughter when he was asked how Suri doing and said, “Good, good. Thank you.”

Currently Tom wrapped filming on his new sci-fi movie “Oblivion” at California from where he came to New York City. When Tom went to collect Suri from Katie, he spent 5 minutes inside Katie’s apartment but don’t know how Katie reacts with him. Though, according to TMZ, it was intermediaries who made the handoff but not Katie. We don’t know why, but Katie should be positive with Tom, though all her plans come true .

Here we will add some

photos of Tom Cruise and Suri

about their first meet after the divorce settlement with Katie Holmes. We will try to add more updates and photos whenever we get those while they spend their lovely father-daughter time at New York City.