Battlefield 3 (BF3) is first person shooter action video games. It is developed by EA Digital Illusions. It is published by Electronics Arts. This is the 3rd series of Battlefield. You can play and download it as single or multi-player modes. The platform of this game is Microsoft Windows, Play Station 3, Xbox 360, iOS.
Battlefield 3 may not support Windows Vista. This game will release on October 25, 2011 in North America, October 27, 2011 in Australia and October 28, 2011 in Europe. It is a sequel to Battlefield 2 (2005).
Battlefield 3 is winning over 60 industry awards. Battlefield 3 has better engine, unrivaled destruction, bigger battle, true team play. When you play this game you feel that you are in real knight. You can experience the physical Battlefield. This games has fighter jets, prone position and 64 player battles on PC. The map set of this game in Paris, Tehran, Sarajevo, New York, Wake Island, Oman, Sulay-maniyah.
You can also try for watch Battlefield Triler before download it.
Battlefield 3 games is available for PC on October 25, 2011.You can pre-order it now.
From Amazone: Buy Battlefield 3
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Author: Linkon