You might want to take a screenshot for different reasons. It might be because you want to take the screenshot of a meme or a Facebook post. It could be of a game. Or it might be a beautiful poem or quote that you share.
The Top Reasons to Take a Screenshot
You might even want to take screenshots of important transactions like the bills you have paid or the credit card transactions that you have made.
Taking screenshots is fun and useful too. Take those important screenshot to treasure those important conversations that could be the memories you would cherish tomorrow. Take the screenshots to keep important financial details safe or keep proof of a transaction made.
There are plenty of reasons you might want to take a screenshot but the problem is, most people do not know that they can take one. If you own a Mac, it is really easy to take the screenshot you want, in just a few clicks. You can do a whole lot more than you want and you wouldn’t have to spend a dime on anything and can get all the images you need, stored safely. You can just transfer the images to cloud to store them securely.
How do you take the screenshots?
If you own a Mac, the process is quite easy. You don’t even need a third party software to do anything, you could do it all with a few clicks. Here are a few of the ways you can take screenshots.
1. Use Print Screen Mac
Press the Command key, the shift key and the number 3 to take a whole screenshot. Your image would then get saved automatically. However, this captures the whole of the screen and might not be the best way if you want to select only a part of the screen. Here is a look at how you can capture a selected part of the screen.
2. Capturing selected part of the screen
To do this, click on the command key, the shift key and the key number 4 simultaneously. Then, you can select the part of the screen you want to capture with your mouse. You would see a “+” sign that you can use to select the part of the screen that you need.
Once you’ve selected it the image, release the mouse. The image gets saved automatically on your desktop named ‘screenshot’.
3. To select any part of application window
If you’re running an application, you can save the screenshot too. Just use the command key, shift key and keypad 4 simultaneously. You would then see the cursor change to “+” after which you need to press the space bar. Now, click on the window you want to capture and your image gets saved automatically as “Picture_”.
It’s simple and easy to click and you can take as many screenshots as you want.Screenshots are a handy tool to create memories, and if you own a Mac, you can have it easy.