Harry Potter eBook Series Download Release: At last, J.K. Rowling agree to release the world’s most popular epic series harry Potter in eBook version. Rowlin decide to release Harry Potter e-book for e-readers, phones and tablets platform and the language will be in English, along with some other languages. You can now download Harry Potter e-book from the link we shorted at the end of this article.
Harry Potter eBook prices are set only $7.99 each for first three parts of this series. Rest of four parts is quite higher cost than previous. They cost will be $9.99 each parts. But if you decide to buy a full Harry Potter eBook Series, they the sell sites will provide you 10% discount of that bundle offer. So take decision how you will get it?
Harry Potter eBook Series Download
Potterrmore is the official site to buy Harry Potter eBook from next month. It will available on Pottermore Shop tab on that site. J.K. Rowling holds the e-distribution rights, so it is expected that, she will get a huge benefit for this online version of Harry Potter. Not only this, she also made a deals with Amazon and Barners & Noble to distribute the online copies. For this, you can directly download Harry Potter eBook on your device like Kindle Fire, Sony Reader or Nook.
And the most selling source would be Apple’s iTunes. Because there is no doubt that this platform will be the most selling Harry Potter eBook online store throughout the world.
The only major e-tailer with whom Rowling has yet to strike a deal is Apple, with its iBookstore. This comes as no surprise because if any company rivals Rowling’s need for total control of every last creative and financial detail, it’s the one Steve Jobs built. If you wish to get your copies on your device, go to the following sources from where you wish to buy Harry Potter eBook.
(The sources will available from April, 2012. When it will available, we will update the sources)
1.Apple AppStore/iTunes