People uploaded their pictures or photos, videos, notes etc on Facebook for sharing with their friends. Infect most of them delete their backups of those files after they uploading on Facebook. What happen if you lost your Facebook ID?
The probability of losing control or being stolen of your pictures album, videos, walls, massage etc from your Facebook account without backup, are increased day by day. And the most common method for doing this is the use of your email address.
Once your Facebook id has been stolen, you may lose your important Facebook pictures, videos, wall, notes, and massages; even your friends list also. Those may deleted by others. But you can save or download a backup for all of your facbook pictures album, videos, notes, walls, groups, and massages etc on to your hard disk or others safe places.
For having a backup for your Facebook pictures album, videos, notes, massages etc, follow the procedure methods:
i. Go to Facebook login page
ii. Open your Facebook homepage
iii. Select the ‘Account’ option
iv. Click on the ‘Account settings’
v. From ‘Account settings’ and find ‘Download Your Information’
vi. Click on ‘learn more’ from there
vii. It will open a new window and you find the ‘Download’ link
viii. After click on ‘Download’, a new pop-up window/tabs will open
ix. After then clicks on ‘Download’
x. You will receive an email when your archive is ready for download
xi. Now click and it will start to backup your ‘Backup Profile’
xii. When it will complete, it will send you an email to your email address
xiii. After getting it, again go to the ‘Account’ option
xiv. Click on the ‘Account settings’
xv. From ‘Account settings’ and find ‘Download Your Information’
xvi. Click on ‘learn more’ from there
xvii. A new pop-up window/tabs will open
xviii. Now put your own ‘Password’ from the ‘Verify Password’ option
xix. Click ‘Continue’
xx. Click on ‘Download Now’ button to download your ‘Facebook Backup profile’. The memory/size of the downloaded profile is shown on the bottom of ‘Download Now’ button.
xxi. It will download a ‘Zip’ file.
xxii. Now ‘Unzip’ the downloaded file and click on ‘Index’ file
xxiii. When you click on ‘Index’ file, you can see your all ‘Facebook data’ like pictures, Wall, Massages, Friends etc.
So, backup your Facebook’s archive (pictures album, videos, notes, wall, group, massage etc) now and get safe from losing all of your memories on Facebook.