Justice League: War Justice League: War

Justice League: War Trailer Watch Online

Get ready to watch the Justice League: War trailer online here. The Blu-ray and DVD of Justice League: War will release in 2014, Warner Bros.

Justice League: WarGet ready to watch the Justice League: War trailer online here.

The Blu-ray and DVD of Justice League: War will release in 2014, Warner Bros. announced at Comic-Con 2013 today. But they don’t confirm the release date yet, just mention the year. Although we can’t ensure you about the date, but we can share you the first trailer of Justice League: War which hits on web. Alan Tudyk as Superman and Jason O’Mara as Batman lead their voice in the animated movie.

Justice League: War Trailer

And for other superhero comic characters, Michelle Monaghan lead as Wonder WOman, Christopher Gorham lead as The Flas and Justin Kirk lead as Green Lantern. The movie will hit on theater in 2014 from the movie production house Warner Bros.