Last Friday Night was special for Kim Kardashian’s life because of her 31st Birthday celebration party. In New York City, Kim’s husband Kris arranges the birthday party along with Kim, Kourtney, Kris and their friends.
Kim Kadashian’s birthday party was arranged at “The Darby” at NYC, in a private party catered. For the newly couple, celebrity chef Alex Guarnaschelli arranged special dishes for them.
Kim Kardashin mom made a wish for her daughter’s birthday early of that morning in her blog post. She saying that, “I still see you and your sisters playing dress up in my closet.” “I just want to tell you that I am so very proud of you.” Kim’s mom also added.
A balloons was given by a Kim Kardashian’s young fan in her birthday as Kim returns to her hotel in NYC.
In this birthday party, Kim Kardashian wears a fur scarf with a black dress and her husband Kris was rocking with by wearing a white long-sleeved shirt.
Kim Kardashian Birthday Photos Gallery also gives you a chance to go back at their enjoyable birthday party celebration night in NYC.