Kim Kardashian Flour Assaulted with White Power!

On March 22, Kim Kardashian, the great Hollywood celebrity and model was assaulted with at white powder in her show. Kim stayed in London Hotel in West Hollywood during time for an event. The event organized for her new fragrance ‘True Reflection’.

Kardashian assaulted has done by a strange women who threw those white powder from behind of her when Kim waking through the red carpet. This made Kim’s back side and her hair white. That crazy woman shouted on that time, as ‘Fur hag’.

Kim Kardashian Flour Assaulted
After this unexpected incident happened, security comes quickly to recover her and identify the types of powder which that woman thrown to Kardashian. They primary identify that as cooking flour.

Security took woman away and Kim went to private room to change up and brushed the white powder as much as possible. Then she returned to the event. Fire fighters took the sample of that to ensure that was it just assaulted or some other danger deal.

Although cops arrested that crazy woman but Kim Kardashian has decided NOT charges the woman for assaulted her and requested to release that woman, Sheriff’s Department reported that. Then the woman was released from jail.