Kim Kardashian’s divorce lawyer confirmed that, the marriage of Kim and Kris was absolutely real and positive deal between both of them.
Laura Wasser said TMZ that, our office made a prenup for Kim Kardashian after indeed negotiate. This disso queen now handling Kim’s divorce filed issue and negotiated with her prenup on behalf of her.
Kim Kardashians Marriage was Real
From the document that I was given, tells that Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries marriage was real and positive, she also added. Laura is notorious for not talking publicly about Kim’s cases.
The negotiation about Kim’s divorce issue has turned now into financial issues, according to TMZ reports.
Source of Kim told TMZ that the prenup talked about Kim Kardhsian career plan for the future. The prenup was exhaustive with a long 30 page reports, tax information and other financial factors.
Kim Kardashian, Kris Humphries marriage and their lawyers now face lot of bickering about Kim’s divorce issued.