Kris Refuse the Divorce Paper!

What will happen now with Kim Kardashian while her estranged husband has decided to refuse sign on the divorce paper! But it is not confirmed that where the news is it true or false!

Life & Style reported that, Kim Humphries has refused to sign the divorce papers to put the situation in a formal end of this couple married life.

 Kris Humphries Refuse to Sign on Kim’s Divorce Papers

Kris Refuse to Sign on Kim’s Divorce Papers

According to Kris own statement, he has been clear in his devastation over the filling about Kim Kardashian and he was willing to do anything to save the marriage and the convent with Kim, whatever it takes.
Although a supposed pal of Kris holding Kris’s signature on the divorce papers, but fact is that, what is the real true of this couple split? Is Kris truly refusing to sign the divorce papers or it’s just a rumor?

E! News reported that, a source close to Kris tells that the report couldn’t be more off base. The report about ‘Kris is not going to sign the divorce paper’ is not true at all, he also added.

Last week, Kim Kardashian flying to Kris home at Minnesota to meet with him face to face for the very first time after Kim filling for divorce.

To know the real ending process about Kim and Kris split, be with us, we will try to provide the update news of this couple divorce matter.