Miss Bala is the movie from the director Gerardo Naranjo based on action and drama film on a young women. Watch Miss Bala free online full movie here. The release date of this movie is January 20th, 2012.
Based on young beautiful women Laura whose dream and ambition to move out poverty of her life by winning the local beauty queen championship. When Laura wins the beauty queen crown, she found herself that she mixed up with very dangerous Mexican gangsters and she have forced to participate in Mexico’s violent war. Can Laura skips out from them and returned her normal life?
Miss Bala free online
If you want to know the full story, watch Miss Bala free movie.
Stephanie Sigman
Miguel Couturier
Irene Azuela
Noe Hernandez
Gabriel Heads
Writer: Mauricio Katz and Gerardo Naranjo
Studio: Canana Films
Runtime: 1 hour 53 minutes
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**Miss Bala not released yet. When release we will update the post.