Grammy Awards winning Singer Whitney Houston is no more. She left us when she was only 48. A voice of a generation has been silenced too soon. Her body was found unresponsive at Beverly Hilton Hotel.
Today at 3:55 p.m. PT at the 4th floor of Beverly Hilton Hotel, a member of Whitney’s entourage found dead Whitney on her room and called hotel security and 911. But it was too late; TMZ reported that.
Singer Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston was a great singer for the 90th century and still she was. Hundreds of thousands of her friends feel so sad for her sudden away. When paramedics arrived on her home, they tried their best by performing CPR. But unfortunately Whitney did not response and declared as no more.
Although in Whitney Houston’s room, there were no signs of abnormal or criminal activities but BHPD detectives start their investigation. Now it’s time to wait for official report of Whitney Houston dead.