The most romantic movie just before the Thanksgiving Day Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 has already took its top place in the Hollywood top chart. And those you already watch Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn part 1 will get an opportunity to present her the most exciting gift to your wife or girl friend as Thanksgiving day or Christmas Day. Do you have any idea what it will be?
Its Bella’s wedding dress. Yes, you can send or present to your dearest one Bella’s Wedding dress which she worn in Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 wedding scene. But its not the real one, its just replica of the real one.
Twilight Breaking Dawn Wedding Dress(From Official sites)
Last day, Twilight officials confirmed that, replica of Bella’s (Kristen Stewart) Wedding Dresses will be available for $799 or £510 on the market very soon. This will be a version of the Carolina Herrera Gown. First it will be available in U.S. stores Alfred Angelo and another will be available from next year at CHNY boutiques.
According to MTV, Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1’s movies production house Summit Entertainment have been dealing with the wedding gown with Alfred Angelo from last May and they tried to make sure that the replica of Bella’s Wedding Dress will be release just after the film aired.
Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn part 1 already earned over £13.9 million on its opening debut week which is also the biggest US movie in UK ever after.