the-wolf-baby the-wolf-baby

The Wolf Baby from India

Although it has no name yet , but with its 21 days, it is already world famous: the wolf baby from India.
Almost the entire body of the little girl from Madhavnagar ( about 380 kilometers from Mumbai) is covered with thick , dark hair . Unusual? Not in this family!

Their mother, Sambhaji Savita Raut (26 ) and her sisters Monisha (19) and Savitri (17 ) have the rare genetic defect that leads to dense hair . They have inherited the disease, which is commonly referred to as werewolf syndrome, grandmother of Anita .
The unusual family is therefore also known as ” werewolf family.”


Savita had prayed before the birth of her daughter that she would be spared from the hairy heritage. “I am very happy that my child is good, but it still upsets me . I worry about their future, but God made us that way, ” she told the British newspaper ” The Sun ” . “I ‘m her mother , I have to accept it and move on with my life. ”

” Hypertrichosis universalis ” affects about one person out of a billion people. Worldwide, only a few hundred cases of mutation are known in which there is an overproduction of hair all over the body. The gene defect is considered incurable .

The brave women trying to sprawl with hair removal creams to keep in check and want to get rid of their ” fur ” one day using a laser treatment. Yet they can not pay this though.