Best Windows 8 Gaming PC under $1000

Making Best Windows 8 Gaming PC with the latest and super fast windows operating system is now your challenge. Here is the model of faster gaming PC that how you can build a fast gaming PC just under $1000. PCWorld shared the idea of this gadget for us. So why you are waiting for? Get ready to build your own gaming machine using windows 8.

Maximum times, building a gaming engine takes higher costing due to component prices. If the gamer considers about prices then PC’s performance is decreased and vice versa for reverse consideration. Only for that reason, this article is made only for those who want to make fastest gaming PC at cheap costs.

Best Windows 8 Gaming PC

Windows 8 Gaming PC Components

The whole items list is created by PCWorld for designing under $1000 faster gaming CPU. There are two different ways to build that machine. You can change any of them as you wish, but in that case, prices may increase.

PC Component Product Name (version 1)

Gaming PC Version 1:

CPU: Core i5 3570K at $215
Motherboard: Gigabyte Z77-UP4 TH at $185
Hard drive: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB at $ 80
Memory: Corsair XMS DDR3 1600 8GB at $38
Graphics: XFX Radeon HD 7870 Core at $235
Optical drive: Samsung SH-222BB DVD at $21
Case: Antec One at $45
PSU: Coolermaster GX650 at $69
Operating system: Windows 8 at $95
Total cost: $988

Window 8 Gaming PC components buy online [version 1]

Here are the Amazon products items based on the table. You can buy them from here and build your own faster gaming machine.
** Price may vary based on market price.

Processor: Core i5 3570K Matherboard: Gigabyte Z77-UP4 TH
Hard Drive: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB Memory: Corsair XMS DDR3 1600 8GB
Graphics: XFX Radeon HD 7870 Core Optical Drive: Samsung SH-222BB DVD
Case: Antec One PSU: Coolermaster GX650
windows 8 Total Price: $988

Gaming PC Version 2:

CPU: Core i5 3450 at $210
Motherboard: Gigabyte Z77-UP4 TH at $185
Hard drive:Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB at $60
Memory:Corsair XMS DDR3 1600 8GB at $38
Graphics:XFX Radeon HD 7850 Core at $199
Optical drive: Samsung SH-222BB DVD at $21
Case: Antec One at $45
PSU: Coolermaster GX650 at $69
Operating system: Windows 8 at $95
Total cost: $ 923 (product with prices are coming soon)

Now to know more info about how to build the best windows 8 gaming PC, and details about each items’ performance, you can read the main article in PCWorld.