A man has been pushed to anger and rage by his fiancée, Yolanda who takes 300 dollars from his money to send to her ex-boyfriend who is in prison.
He confronted her for sending money to her ex-boyfriend named Donte, every week, but she argued that he needed it.
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In a trending video, the man demanding an explanation from his wife-to-be as to why she would be taking $300 of his money and sending it to someone else without his permission.
Yolanda, however, defended her actions and said that her ex-boyfriend is her friend of 15 years so she would always help him whenever he’s in need.
According to her, there is nobody else to help Dante so she decided to step up and give him a lifeline which he would use to survive while serving his jail time.
The man, who was evidently furious said he was done with her ridiculous action and defense, and noted that she does not do anything useful in the house so he isn’t surprised.
He added that she does not cook, clean or contribute in any way and even the loyalty and respect that he wanted from her, she could not give.
Yolanda responded by saying that he knew she does not do wifely duties before he proposed so she does not understand why he now has a problem with it.
Watch the video:
Reacting a user wrote; Some women do not deserve good men for reals..What annoys me is the fact that she doesn’t know she’s wrong or she just doesn’t want to accept she’s wrong..you’ve got a good man here and you letting him slip cause of your stpidty…goshhhh!!!
Another user said; Some women do not deserve good men for reals..What annoys me is the fact that she doesn’t know she’s wrong or she just doesn’t want to accept she’s wrong..you’ve got a good man here and you letting him slip cause of your stpidty…goshhhh!!!