Facebook Town: Free bike repairs, roof terrace with topics, pool, spa, pet grooming and more: everything is part of a major project on Facebook. Together with the real estate company St. Anton Partners, the company is building a huge complex of luxury apartment homes – only five minutes from the main center of the social network in Menlo Park (California) away.
Facebook wants to help his employees, because it is probably very hard to find a flat or a house within the company to hire. The prices vary according to the Wall Street Journal, too. In the last three months of 2012, real estate prices rose by 24 percent in Silicon Valley.
To the $ 120 million Facebook Town; the luxury residential complex are expensive including 208 one-bedroom and 139 two-room and three-room apartments twelve arise. The apartments will be rented to non-Facebook employees up to 15 dwellings.
Facebook Town in Photos
Don’t miss the architectural preview of the giant complex in California.