Do you remember WALL-E? A small compactor robot that falls in love with an advanced robot, name EVE. Yes I am talking about the biggest and the most populated animated film WALL-E that released back in 2008 from Pixar studio. I believe whoever watched that movie must still love WALL-E. And for those loving friends, Mike Senna, a robotics enthusiast from California; bringing back WALL-E. Not in animated theater, not in a cartoon character, even not in a cartoon magazine. He introduces you the real WALL-E who can talk as the animated character could.
Real WALL-E Robot
Isn’t sounds amazing, isn’t it? Mike’s hobby is to make a robot from some great animated character. His previous invention was Star Track’s R2-D2. When he first saw the WALL-E movie back in 2008, he decides to build WALL-E robot and it takes almost 2 years to build the real one.
According to Mike, when he built R2-D2, it was tough. But when he started to build WALL-E, it turns tougher. Because R2-D2 has some schematics and the parts are also available because there are few people who already create that. But WALL-E only exits animated character. So he had to develop the WALL-E robot schematics himself and also design the movements of this robot from the movie from watching hundreds of times.
Mike had to spend 25 hours in a week to build that machine. The total time to build WALL-E took around 3200-3800 hours and he had also borne the whole cost to build the real WALL-E. I think the toughest job is to build the eyes of WALL-E which was the cutest part at the WALL-E movie. Don’t worry, the real one also have those :)
Mike said that he builds that machine only for his hobby, not for getting rewards. When kids’ faces fill up with surprise and smiles, that gives him the rewards for his two years of hard working. Watch out the following video to see the real WALL-E robot and his heart-melting interaction with kids.
For knowing more about WALL-E, visit Mike Senna’s blog.
And one more thing, forget to share it with your friends, Let introduce them with the Real WALL-E :)