If you’ve thought about growing and obtaining a university degree, but are not in a perfect situation to do that (maybe you think you’re old, maybe you have a full-time job and not enough time, maybe there’s something else keeping you), Ashford University might be meant exactly for you.
Ashford is accepting students from all walks of life, whatever your situation is or even wherever you are based, you can enroll in their courses and get a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in any of their offered fields of study. Their online format makes it possible to enroll for anyone and anywhere.
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See how other people/students are doing it:
If you have previously attended to any other school and have earned credits that you think could be transferred to Ashford, that’s possible too. You can transfer up to 90 credits of previous coursework, making it possible to get your Bachelor’s degree in just two years instead of the usual four.
And of course, a university that accepts students from all walks of life and promises great education, needs to be accredited. Ashford University is a member of North Central Association and is regionally accredited by The Higher Learning Commission.
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